WebRTC Communication
Click2Connect application boasts WebRTC communication features. Through this technology, organizations can create well-designed contact apps to foster efficient exchanges with their customers.

What is WebRTC?
WebRTC, or Web Real-Time Communications, is a project that allows real-time voice, text, or video communication between web browsers and devices. Users can use this technology in all modern browsers and native clients in order to enhance their communication.
WebRTC allows the creation of applications that utilize the camera and microphone. Another typical use of WebRTC is in software with screen-sharing features.
Benefits of WebRTC Communication
WebRTC communication is an essential tool that helps create applications with advanced communication properties.
The most prominent benefits of WebRTC are:
Enhanced security
The communication streams encrypted by WebRTC can be decoded only by the parties of a voice or video call, who have the secret encryption key. This feature minimizes the chances of hackers to steal your information.
Easy integration
Integrating WebRTC into a communication tool is effortless. Since the project works well on popular protocols, WebRTC works well with almost any modern software. Plus, it allows WebRTC to work on any device.
Better user experience
With WebRTC, downloading a third-party app to communicate is no longer required. Thus, customer centers of organizations can use apps and widgets with WebRTC technology to carry out video calls with customers.

How Does Click2connect Help with WebRTC Calling?
Real-time communication solutions offered by the WebRTC project can help an organization build seamless customer relations. As Click2Connect helps agents direct customers to a representative with only one click, it utilizes WebRTC calling to offer better voice and video call features. Thanks to this technology, Click2Connect can provide its users with secure, integrable, and enhanced customer service.
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